Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Fight For Your Right...

I recently applied to work at another company that responded asking me to complete a design exercise audition type thing.
I just learnt today that I didn't get an interview, so I've decided to publish the design I did for them.

I had to jazz up a plain text television pitch, for a new show, ready to be sent to a major network. The content of the document is strictly confidential (so I've blurred out the details) but, for context, I will say it was a kinda "teen tropical holiday/party themed reality show".


I wouldn't normally use such a garish colour palette, but it fit with the subject matter of the show.

Preliminary sketches & ideas.

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Tiny Twelve

It has been some time since I've heard from the company that requested this test commission, so I'm assuming I have not been selected.
To that end, I am publishing my design.

It's a likeness of Peter Capaldi (in costume as the Twelfth Doctor) in the established style of the company. I'm quite pleased with it, even if they obviously feel it's not enough to hire me over.