It's a dark animated short based on Franz Kafka's story "In The Penal Colony".
There is a complete version of it, that I have submitted to festivals, but I personally think it's too short and unfinished (the time constraints of uni, necessitated severe edits to the script).
At the moment I wish to extend it to the level I think is the bear minimum for release, and then hopefully add a little more until it is "properly" finished - at which point I'll release it again as a "director's cut".
Just so you know what it's like and it exists (many people haven't seen it) here are some screenshots I've taken at various points of production.
An exasperating issue I noticed during early stages, that I posted on Twitter. |
B&W screenshots as part of the festival submission. |
The submission also required a poster, so this is a rough design I threw together to fulfil that demand. |