Friday 4 October 2024

Omcha Updates

 Things have progressed on the tea project. The client was generally happy with the aesthetic and general direction of things - but they wanted a different teapot design, so I reworked the visuals to match up.

At this stage the final still illustrations are complete and I we have an approved flyer!

I also printed a very rough mockup at home for the final look, to check legibility. It came out fine, but my guillotine chewed it up horribly, so not exactly display-worthy!

The animation will be finished a bit later - I have some other projects on my plate at the moment - but we can switch focus soon. The new teapot design does present some new challenges (it's see-through, so I have to include some animation for the tea and the leaves inside) but thankfully it is a simple art style, so it is more of a volume game.

I will share once it is complete.